
About the


Requirements to obtain a Master's degree in Ancient Philosophy:
  1. Eight courses of Ancient Philosophy or Reception of Ancient Philosophy.
  2. Four courses of Classical Greek.
  3. Four seminars on Ancient Philosophy.
  4. Four reception seminars on ancient philosophy.
  5. Four seminars on History of Philosophy.
Throughout each semester, students must prepare a reading list on ancient thought and ordered by area. Support sessions will be offered to the students and they will be evaluated at the end of each semester as part of their methodological subjects.

During summer and winter, students must present their thesis progress in front of the college. Likewise, they must present a knowledge test about topics selected for each semester.

With the permission of the Director and the Academic Council of the Program, students may take a seminar from another program, without curricular value.


Master of Ancient Philosophy: Requirements 

Students must fulfill the following requirements in order to obtain the degree of Master of Ancient Philosophy:

  • Eight courses on Ancient Philosophy or Reception of Ancient Philosophy
  • Four courses on Ancient Greek
  • Four courses on Research methodology in the field of Ancient Philosophy
  • Cuatro cursos Metodológicos sobre la investigación en la filosofía antigua
  • In summer and winter, students must hand in and present to the Faculty members their thesis work in progress. Furthermore, students must take an exam covering the knowledge of the textual sources selected for each semester
With the approval of the Program’s Director and Academical Council, students may also take a course or seminar from another program, without taking into account the correspondent credits.
Research fields
  • The rise of Ancient Philosophy in Greece
  • Reception and influence of Ancient Philosophy in later traditions

Thesis supervisor

Each student is assigned a Thesis supervisor, who will conduct the research and, together with the program’s Director, will monitor the academic performance of the student during the program.
Duration of the Master of Ancient Philosophy

Students must complete the required courses in four semesters, at the end of which their research must be also concluded. Each student must defend his thesis research in the following year after having completed his/her courses.

The Master in Ancient Philosophy has collaboration agreements with the following national and foreign higher education institutions:

  • Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas de la UNAM.
  • Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás Hidalgo.
  • Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí.
  • Department of Philosophy at Princeton University
  • Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de los Andes 
  • Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the University of South Bohemia
  • Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de Navarra
  • Facultad de Filosofía de Sao Paulo
  • Università del Piemonte Orientale


Graduate director
Mauricio Lecón
Tel: + 5482 1600. Ext. 5325

Graduate assistant
Valeria Tapia
Tel: + 5482 1600. Ext. 6552


Past courses


Autumn 2021
Spring 2021

“Cuerpos e incorpóreos, existentes y subsistentes en el estoicismo. Problemas de ontología y semántica estoicas”, Marcelo Boeri (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

“Virtudes. Una lectura libre de la Ética Nicomaquea”, Héctor Zagal (UP, México)


Autumn 2020

“Dios y lo divino en la filosofía antigua: Platón, Aristóteles y el neoplatonismo”, Alberto Ross (UP, México)

“El libro sexto de la República de Cicerón: el Somnium Scipionis y la interpretación neoplatónica de Macrobio”, José Luis Quezada (UNAM).

"Historia, recepción, memoria: ¿Qué dicen los textos antiguos y cómo manejarlos?", André Laks (UP, México)

Spring 2020

“Seminario de traducción de textos políticos griegos”, David Lévystone (UP, México)

“La felicidad invencible: una introducción a la ética estoica”, Leonardo Ramos (UNAM)

“Comentarios e interpretaciones a De anima 3.4-5: Alejandro de Afrodisia y al-Farabi”, Luis Xavier López Farjeat (UP, México), Michael Chase (CNRS Centre Jean Pépin – École Normale Supérieure)

“Parménides y la historia de la ontología", André Laks (UP, México)


Autumn 2019

“Seminario de traducción de Categorías IV”, Ma. Elena García Peláez (UP, México), David Lévystone (UP, México)

“On Aristotle’s Poetics”, Pierre Destrée (UCLouvain )

“Pierre Hadot and his Conception of Philosophy as a Way of Life (PWL): From Ancient texts to Contemporary Repercussions”, Michael Chase (CNRS Centre Jean Pépin – École Normale Supérieure)

“Manuscripts of Aristotle, NE VII”, Douglas Hutchinson (University of Toronto)

Spring 2019

“Seminario de traducción de Categorías III”, David Lévystone (UP, México)

“La recepción de Aristóteles en la Nueva España (siglos XVI-XVIII)”, Virginia Aspe (UP, México)

“The idea of Immortality in Antiquity”, Maria Liatsi (University of Ioannina)

“Cuestiones de historiografía filosófica en Aristóteles, Metafísica A”, Leopoldo Irribarren (EHESS-École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Centre ANHIMA)


Autumn 2018

“Seminario de traducción de Categorías II”, David Lévystone (UP, México)

“Los principios superiores en la filosofía de Plotino”, José Molina (IIF, UNAM)

“Comentarios árabes y latinos al De anima de Aristóteles”, Luis Xavier López Farjeat (UP, México), Therese Cory (University of Notre Dame)

“Seminario sobre el libro II de la Física de Aristóteles", José María Llovet (UP, México)

“La teoria aristotelica delle emozioni nella Poetica e nella Retorica di Aristotele”, Cristina Viano

“La teoría de la felicidad en la Ética y en la Política de Aristóteles”, Carlo Natali (Universita' Ca Foscari di Venezia)

Spring 2018

“Seminario de traducción de Categorías I”, David Lévystone (UP, México)

“La stoa y los maestros parisinos del siglo XIII. Los escritos ciceronianos como fuente”, Laura Corso de Estrada (Universidad Católica de Argentina)

“El curso de la historia: ideas de primitivismo, progreso y decadencia en el pensamiento griego antiguo”, Leopoldo Iribarren (EHESS-École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Centre ANHIMA)

“Medicina y Filosofía en la Antigüedad”, Ma. Elena García Peláez (UP, México)

“Normative Naturalism in Aristotle's Political Philosophy”, Christoph Horn (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)


Autumn 2017

“Seminario de traducción de Metafísica L”, Ma. Elena García Peláez (UP, México), David Lévystone (UP, México)

“Recepción de la filosofía antigua en la filosofía árabe y judía”, Luis Xavier López Farjeat (UP, México), Daniel Fainstein (Universidad Hebraica de México).

“Tradiciones antiguas en la discusión medieval sobre el alma”, Jörg A. Tellkamp (UAM, Iztapalapa)


Spring 2017

“Virtue of courage from Homer to Aristotle”, David Lévystone (UP, México)

“Readings of Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics”, Eduardo Charpenel Elorduy  (UP, México)

“On Plato's Symposyum”, Nicole Ooms (UNAM- CEPHICS)

“The Relationship Between Aristotle’s Eudemian Ethics and the Nicomachean Ethics”, Hendrik Lorenz (Princeton University)


Autumn 2016

“Método y ciencia en Aristóteles”, Héctor Zagal (UP, México)

“Dios, eternidad y movimiento en Aristóteles”, Alberto Ross (UP, México)

Spring 2016

“Early Greek Political Philosophy: Sophists & Socratics”, David Lévystone (UP, México)

“Problemas de psicología platónica y aristotélica: ¿puede haber algo ‘común a cuerpo y alma’ en un modelo psicológico dualista?”, Marcelo Boeri (Universidad Católica de Chile)

“Short Introduction to Aristotle’s Metaphysics”, Silvia Fazzo (Università del Piemonte Orientale)


Autumn 2015

“Recepción árabe de los tratados lógicos de Aristóteles”, Luis Xavier López Farjeat (UP, México)

“Biología de Aristóteles”, María Elena García Peláez (UP, México)

Spring 2015

“Los filósofos helenísticos como herederos de Sócrates”, Nicole Ooms (UNAM- CEPHICS)

“Autoconocimiento en Platón y Plotino. La proyección de un motivo socrático en la noética del platonismo”, Alejandro Vigo (UNAV)

“From Plato to Platonism. A Short Course on Plato and his Interpreters”, Lloyd Gerson (University of Toronto)



Campus México
Augusto Rodin No. 498 Col. Insurgentes Mixcoac, CP 03920 Del. Benito Juárez, CDMX
Conmutador: 55 5482 1600 y 55 5482 1700
Augusto Rodin No. 498 Col. Insurgentes Mixcoac, CP 03920 Del. Benito Juárez, CDMX
Conmutador: 55 5482 1600 y 55 5482 1700
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